Collection of English essays by our students
The newly-published online selection contains the essays awarded in the 4th-year round of the English Essay Competition which took place…Čítaj viac
The newly-published online selection contains the essays awarded in the 4th-year round of the English Essay Competition which took place…Čítaj viac
The newly-published online selection contains the essays awarded in the 4th-year round of the English Essay Competition which took place…Čítaj viac
The newly-published online selection contains the essays awarded in the 4th-year round of the English Essay Competition which took place…Čítaj viac
As part of the accompanying events to the 100th anniversary of the Pavel Horov Grammar School in Michalovce, an open…Čítaj viac
Pavol Regenda je naším úspešným absolventom a legendou hokeja 2022. Narodil v Michalovciach, kde vyrástol a začal svoju športovú kariéru….Čítaj viac
Už je odmaturované! Naši štvrtáci preukázali na maturitných skúškach vedomosti, ktoré nazbierali počas 4 rokov na našej škole. Boli to…Čítaj viac
Vyšiel nový podcast našej školy “Na východ od Košíc”, v ktorom si na gymnaziálne roky spomína Milan “Junior” Zimnýkoval. Určite…Čítaj viac