In December 2021, the Pavel Horov Grammar School became a member of the Košice IT Valley.
Being a member of IT Valley Košice brings a significant opportunity to change the environment of the IT industry in our region in an adapted way. We are looking forward to participating together in the quality preparation of students for their future employment in the IT field, associated with close cooperation with the company. Membership in Košice IT Valley
We present you a novelty from projects that connect education at school with practice, it connects school with an IT cluster.
LAB IT Creativityit not only connects companies with secondary schools, but also involves another article playing an important motivating role, namely current students of IT departments at TUKE. The cooperation will include expert lectures, company visits and work on our own projects, which will culminate in the June closing meeting associated with the presentations. The participating schools are Gymnázium PJ Šafárika Rožňava, Gymnázium Spišská Nová Ves, Gymnázium P. Horova Michalovce, Gymnázium, Poštová, Košice, Gymnázium, Šrobárová 1, Košice. Each school has a partner – two among Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, Visma Labs, FPT Slovakia, GlobalLogic Slovakia and Siemens Healthineers. The project arose from the initiative and cooperation of the Košice self-governing region with the Košice IT Valley.
Project info published in IT VALLEY_newsletter 1112
The partner of Pavel Horov Grammar School in this project is the company FPT Slovakia s.r.o.
The subject of our project plan is:
- support of practical and informal teaching of IT at grammar school, connection of school with practice with vision of applicability on the labor market,
- building basic needs for functioning within project management / project implementation (thinking out of bubble, programming, robotics, web technologies, IoT, AI, cybersecurity , video, PC games, etc.)
- lectures, workshops, examples of good practice, possibilities of IT implementation in all scientific and social subjects,
- connection with teacher training,
- networking with primary and higher education,
- building presentation skills (presentation and defense of joint work in the final final) building IT creativity LAB,
- finding additional resources to support education in the field of technology and human resources IT creativity LAB.
Project coordination: Mgr. Katarína Olšavová, riaditeľka školy (projektový manžér)
Project management (planning, organization of working meetings, internal monitoring and reporting, etc.)
Project support: RNDr. Mária Spišáková, PhD., Ing. Otília Heveryová
In December 2021, two online lecturer meetings were held for four teams of students in the 1st – 4th year of the Pavel Horov Grammar School, at which our students presented their project intentions. FPT Slovakia s.r.o. represented by Jozef Dodan Vojtko, Vice Director of FPT Slovakia s.r.o.
Learning from top people from practice is a great opportunity for us. We have skilled students at school and their desire to move forward and work on their own projects is growing from year to year. We try to give our students more than just an education. It is mentoring, human approach, willingness and personal contact with professionals.
We wish our students a lot of success in the implementation of project intentions.